Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Place At The Table Movie

   In the afternoon I saw the movie 'A Place At The Table' at the Lagoon in Minneapolis with my date. We were given pins for attending it. I figured we should see it soon since there were just 2 showings scheduled for today. This tells me it may not be around much longer. This of course was a documentary, and it was compelling in more ways than one. At times it made me sad, other times angry. The truth about what happens in our world is not always positive. I did end up with another souvenir, it is a card I found near the front door. I like having these as it's nice art, since I like collecting postcards. 'One nation, underfed' is on it, just below a fork with stars and stripes on it. And how it's from the people that brought you 'Food, Inc.' This was another documentary I had seen, about corporate farming. It examines the issue of hunger through the lens of three people struggling with food insecurity, going to a big city (Philadelphia) but also to rural areas (in Mississippi, and Colorado). Many will remember it for actor Jeff Bridges being in it, as he often speaks of the food problem. But there are various non-famous food experts in it as well. I am aware of how the problem is not necessarily a food shortage, but how the cheapest food is not the healthiest. Like many other documentaries I've seen, they travel to America's capital city as it means meeting with lawmakers and trying to get the laws changed. But it appears that not all in Washington, DC, care enough about it. One valid point was how the amount of money spent on agribusiness lobbyists is second only to those for the oil industry!
   After some errand running I ended up making a return visit to Uptown Minneapolis, for a comedy show- The Turkeys. It was the same venue where I had seen a Valley Meadows show in August. I arrived after making a visit to an ATM, and the show didn't start on time. But this wasn't a big deal to me. There were various skits shown, except for the one I am in. But I still liked the ones I saw. Maybe the next show will have it, as I liked seeing the skit before. One friend seemed stressed about it all before the show began. It was hard to hide when I arrived and I asked if a big crowd was expected. I think he was preoccupied with wanting to see that the electronics, the techie part of it, would run smoothly.

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