Monday, March 18, 2013

John Koblas

   Recently I read the obits and noticed how John Koblas had died. This was a writer I had met multiple times while attending the Jesse James festival in Northfield. As I recall I have one of his books but would need to search for it. I had been informed at some point how he had Parkinson's disease. I had seen his writings referenced before like in an article in the Minnesota history magazine.
    At the comedy club tonight I commented to a comic before the show how the book he was carrying looked a lot like the Bible. He said the publisher was going for this look. But it was actually a book about picking up girls with low self-esteem. He took it onstage and read from it, also had an assistant read the girl's lines. Then he left it on a chair onstage and later comics did reference it some in their jokes.
    I finished reading 'On The Road' by Jack Kerouac on the bus this morning. It was my goal to finish it before seeing the movie version, which is slated for wider release this month. When I was getting near the end I was wondering if the book would end in Mexico City but it doesn't. According to the Wikipedia article, there has been some interest in doing a movie version for a while. This dates back to the 1950s, shortly after it was published. One proposal was to have Marlon Brando be in it. The lasting impression I have from the book is that the main character, Sal, will defend his friend Dean Moriarty in front of all critics no matter what.

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