Wednesday, March 20, 2013

America The Beautiful State Quarters

    I was searching for a car repair receipt tonight in a box and found it, but found some other notable items as well. One of these was a page of bookmarks and bookplates from Working Assets, my cellphone provider. The other was a brochure about the 'America The Beautiful' state quarters collection. It says it's an exclusive collector's set 'available here only', from PCS stamps and coins. I did print out the scheduled release date on these quarters earlier this week, as I wanted a list to help me with tracking the ones I do and don't have. I did get all six of the territories, including for the capital city of Washington, DC. I've been trying to save the quarters honoring national parks, these are the ones known as 'America The Beautiful'. I know the one for Iowa will be the Effigy Mounds. There are just two National Park Service properties in the state, and the other is the Herbert Hoover museum. But much like the original state quarter series from 1999-2008, it will be spread out over a number of years. I'm thankful I saved it as even though I may not order much when these kinds of mailings arrive, I still like the information available on it. With the National Park quarters I have 12 of the first 15, a good record but not sure about how to acquire the 3 I don't have yet.
   I made it to the comedy club tonight, and a friend was onstage just before the show closer. He did do the 'smoke bomb' joke and the 'porn in the hotel room' joke, and I like both of these. I asked if there were some upcoming shows. I was informed there will be one in downtown Minneapolis soon. Hopefully the diner skit I am in will be a part of it.
   I did a long survey about car brands and amassed enough points to dump 500 more miles in the American Airlines account. So I will have enough for a half-price ticket when they post. At work I was informed of a small raise that will take effect next month. I also found out by accident that my boss is paid less often, twice a month instead of weekly like I am. I wrote out thank-you letters to all who sent birthday cards earlier this month, all going to Iowa. Some are family, but one is the mother of a classmate from high school. I was asked to help with a special project, copying of bankrupt accounts, after my normal duties were finished for the day. It's tedious and I don't enjoy it, hopefully it won't last long.  

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