Monday, March 25, 2013

Rappers And Clowns

   It was a more enjoyable night than typical at the comedy club. It helped that I knew the show closer, who is back from California to headline this week. I liked his joke about how rappers and clowns have plenty of things in common. It was one of the two shout-outs for the night. The other was when I laughed at the joke about a Mariachi band request at an Italian restaurant. Same one that has done the bathtub joke, along with 'Aggressive cuddler'. I was told that many recognize my laugh, not sure how. But another comic said my laugh 'Pierces the soul' and is like a supervillain. I said I was going for that, at least the latter.
   I was picked to go onstage, which also helped with this feeling as there is no substitute for stagetime. I did a few more new jokes, such as bathrooms at concerts and the feeling of being a 'Crockpot in a world of microwave ovens'. This was actually the third shoutout, since I got one from the comic that followed me. I like the feeling of being a tough act to follow. A crowdmember found me after the show, and I gladly answered questions about the craft. I said the best advice I could give anyone is: Have fun up there, otherwise why do it if one doesn't enjoy it? I was told how he liked my enthusiasm telling jokes, of course I like hearing this. It can be helpful to see the mirror image, it is why I like to film myself as much as possible to see what works and what doesn't.
  At work I liked seeing a former colleague when returning from lunch. We embraced, can't recall the last time we had seen each other in person. I referred to her as the 'Perky girl'. She said she was interviewing for a position, so she may be coming back to the office.

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