Saturday, March 30, 2013

Haggar Comfort Waist

    I went to the J.C. Penney at Rosedale Mall in Roseville to use up 2 gift cards. I got some khaki pants, one of them was the Haggar 'comfort waist' model. It also spoke of Gabardine, which is not the color. The two pairs were worth a total of $50, which was also how much I had in gift cards so I owed nothing. I also went to the library to print some things.
   This evening I saw a DVD with my date made by the History Channel about the 'Five men who built America'. In the segments we saw tonight they covered 'Commodore' Vanderbilt and John D. Rockefeller. I had studied some of these people in various history classes, they were usually known as 'robber barons'. But it was the first time I recalled hearing about these businessmen partnering, at least Vanderbilt and Rockefeller anyway. Carnegie and Morgan are covered later, and as I recall those two partnered on some ventures.
   In the afternoon we went to do some errand running, like going to the pet store and shoe store. Then we ate at Boston Market, first time I had been there in a while. Since I was finishing up the Little Caesar's pizza I said I wanted something besides pizza.
   I did watch some of the college basketball tournament, I know Syracuse and Wichita State advanced to the Final Four. I didn't watch much of these games though. It prompted me to look up the meaning of the Wichita State mascot, the 'Shocker' or 'Wheatshocker'. As expected, it is much like the Nebraska Cornhusker, as both are involved in harvesting the crop. Wheat is a common crop in Kansas. I liked hearing some of the spring training baseball game on the radio, the Twins against Boston, the final one before the regular season begins. I liked knowing they were so close to the action that one could hear the food vendors in the stands, selling popcorn, peanuts, and cracker jacks.

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