Thursday, March 21, 2013

Scribble and Yammer

   I had to remind myself that the first-run episode of 'Big Bang Theory' wouldn't be on tonight due to the college basketball tournament. I still watched the syndicated rerun, where Howard needed to fix the toilet for the space station. Also liked one from earlier this week, about the gang going to Las Vegas and Howard getting the 'Jewish girlfriend experience' from a prostitute paid for by Raj and Leonard.
  Since I didn't go to the library to print things, I had plenty of time for other things to do. This meant getting more caught up on reading. I read from more than a month of the papers I had bought, from mid-January to the end of February, mostly Friday editions of course. The funny columnist was good as usual. He covered subjects like giving up smoking, Dinkytown (a section of Minneapolis), along with my favorite, a state Supreme Court case where somebody was called a 'tool'. This was where he spoke of being a tool is sometimes a good thing as they are useful. This is in contrast to the writer himself, who even said he 'scribbles and yammers for a living'. I once was told by a colleague, when I was working in suburban Chicago, that I was yammering. I understood it wasn't in any way meant to be a compliment. Later subjects he covered included the need for a vibrant downtown, snow emergencies, and a study about Minneapolis city services. I also liked finding an article about how the former Schmidt brewery site in St. Paul is getting a museum, and a small brewery. I like museums so I will want to tour it when it opens. It sounds like it's on a part of the complex that doesn't face what I see when going past, which is West 7th Street. So more investigation will be needed. I bought both the Minneapolis and St. Paul papers on one particular day in early February as I wanted to read the articles about the upcoming Lady Gaga concert. I didn't attend it but the articles were a nice read.
   It was a fairly routine day at work, I did get more copying of files done compared to the previous day. I said to a colleague that I 'needed to find a rhythm' and I knew from my track record how this usually doesn't happen on the first day. I have to find out what works and what doesn't. While taking the bus home tonight I saw a rider that I may not have seen since the snowstorms from December. This was memorable as we spoke for a while then. This time it was mostly about concerts. It was helpful to start off with saying I saw Pink this week. She had shared about seeing Hanson at First Avenue in Minneapolis, a venue I have been to but only once so far.

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