Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cat Carrier On Bus

   Tonight after work a woman boarded the bus and had a cat carrier or 'pet taxi'. She said the cat had just been to the vet and this is why it kept meowing. It probably was going to happen as long as it was 'in jail'. Also near me was a man from Mississippi, who said that it was great being in Minnesota 'except for the weather'. He also spoke of his annoyance with the media coverage of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, saying too much emphasis was put on New Orleans. I said I had heard the joke how FEMA means 'Forget everyone but metro areas'.
  At the comedy club tonight there were two comics introduced as 'special guests', I knew one of them but not the other. The one I know does the carrot cake and balding jokes. The one I didn't know was from out of town, the show runner told me New Jersey. I liked his joke about 'Star Wars', in reference to Harrison Ford doing another one of those movies despite being long in the tooth. It worked for me as he did a good imitation of Chewbacca. When an earlier comic did a joke about Lou Gehrig's disease I said 'it's been done', as I recall Denis Leary did a similar joke. I get bored with those who do unoriginal jokes.
   'The Simpsons' syndicated rerun I saw tonight was one I liked, a recent one where robots worked the nuke plant. Homer was the token human employee. One of them had hilarious observations about things, like the DH rule in baseball, also about 'Rudy', the Notre Dame football player. How he was put in at the end of a meaningless game, in reference to Milhouse wanting to play.  

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