Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dial Bar Soap

    I needed some bar soap and went to Walgreen at lunchtime in hopes of finding their store brand. They were out of it when I went to another location recently. But this downtown location didn't have it either. So I bought a 3-pack of Dial bar soap, which I had used on a regular basis before. I've been fine with buying just one bar at a time, but if it's hard to find that way then I can get used to buying it as a multipack. Then I will have to buy it less often. As expected, no points on my loyalty card from the purchase. But I got some points from the previous visit, as I got three Hershey bars.
   I went to use a pizza coupon for my birthday at the Chicago hot dog place before going to the comedy club tonight. I ended up waiting an hour for it, was told they lost the ticket during their rush time. I had my money refunded for the pizza, so it meant I just had to pay for the can of soda pop that I drank. The lesson learned here, at this point, is to avoid ordering pizza. It seemed to work better to get a chili cheese dog, since it's single serving anyway.
   I still made it to the comedy club, and I did like the comics I saw upon my arrival. One of them was back from New York, and did jokes about no meat on Fridays since it's Lent. He made a reference to athletes that I caught, as the two played for Cardinal teams (baseball and football)- Ozzie Smith and Larry Fitzgerald. Of course 'Cardinal' in this case also referred to the Catholic church. The show closer was really good. I spoke with the show runner after the show and said so, then said the same to the performer when I reached the bar area. I bought a shirt he was selling, he had sold quite a few. The message on it was a reference to natural selection. He said he didn't have a comedy CD out yet, I like those as well. He said he was from Iowa like me, Des Moines. One joke was about his kid's night light burning out.

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