Friday, March 8, 2013

Cigarette In Mouth Backwards

    I see so much when taking the bus to work and of course working downtown. On the bus this morning I saw a girl with her hair dyed red and wearing a dogtag around her neck. Somebody said her hair matches her shirt. At lunchtime walking through the skyway I saw a woman with a cigarette in her mouth backwards, that is not the filter end. I recognized it as the sandwich maker from a place I've frequented. Don't know if it was intentional, but of course it wasn't lit yet. My guess she was going outside to smoke.
    I got plenty accomplished at lunchtime. Besides getting a paper for the movie times, a weekly thing for me, I had three other things on my list. I got more Girl Scout cookies, I like the Dosidos. Then it was on to the Macy's liquidation sale. I got another box of the candies along with a bottle of Vitamin Water. There isn't much left that appeals to me. Finally it was to the post office inside the Hamm Building, for stamps. It looks like this post office is closing as well, in two weeks. So there will be just one left downtown. When I was coming out of this errand I saw a camera crew on the street. I briefly spoke with them when asked about the pricetag for NFL stadiums. It was comparing the taxpayer cost between the Vikings and Falcons stadiums. I said people like their sports and are willing to pay a lot to keep teams in town. Even the governor said it costs more to bring teams back after they've left. I tried to watch it after I got home tonight but it looks like all they aired was a Vikings front office member not wanting to comment about it.
   Ah yes, state tournament for hockey. I went tonight after work. Since I knew I'd have to go through security I left the candies and cookies and stamps at the office. They will be there until Monday when I can send them home more easily in my backpack. I was in line for a while for tickets, well over 30 minutes. After a ticket was sold to me I was told it was a good thing I wanted just one. Apparently they were getting close to the point where they'd have to stop selling. I got a program and went to the upper level, where I got a hot dog and a bottle of Sprite. Edina played Duluth East, and Edina won 3-2. Duluth East got a goal early, shortly after I had my food and drink. The next scoring was in the third, when Edina tied it early in the period. They got two more with around 5 minutes left, and Duluth East scored with just under two minutes left. I moved around for each period, since it was standing room only. I was behind a man in a mouth-operated wheelchair near the end. When riding the bus home I was next to an older couple who had been to the same game. They told me an Edina student had a costume on like the 'Cheesehead' but it was 'Cake-eater'. Sounds like they've embraced the term, I recall the late Jeff Rhody using this term and it wasn't meant to be flattering.
   I stopped at the McDonald's to get a shamrock shake before I finally went home. Another birthday card was waiting for me, along with the Emerson Hough letters I ordered from E-bay. I tried to watch 'Nightline' but fell asleep and missed much of it.

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