Friday, March 15, 2013

Seven Psychopaths Movie

    I went to Redbox and used my free day for the movie 'Seven Psychopaths' tonight. This was the free day given to me for my birthday. The movie was all right, but a little odd. It was about writing a movie screenplay. The actors in it included Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson, and Christopher Walken. I think it was hearing about all of these actors in it was what made me say I wanted to see it. I tried to write down who each of the psychopaths were but it was hard to follow for some of them. The movie started out with a song called 'Angel of Death', sounded like it was performed by Hank Williams.
   I needed to ride three buses to get home from work tonight, usually it is just one. But I wanted to get over to the fish fry at the American Legion on the East Side, so I went there first. I ended up taking three different bus routes. The fish was good, and so were the other things like the green beans, macaroni, and little potatoes. I had plenty of milk, and for dessert I chose a plate with 2 little eclairs and a piece of carrot cake. I was likely thinking of a friend's carrot cake joke as to why I chose this plate in particular. Somebody next to me was entered into a meat raffle. It was starting to snow around this time of day. I noticed one bus line going back downtown from my old neighborhood seemed to be arriving more quickly than the one I used to get there. This was one reason I was on different routes on each ride, as I went over to a different bus stop at the same intersection. I was waiting over by the Liberty income tax service, well known for somebody dressing up in a Statue of Liberty costume to bring in customers. But I saw no dressed-up mascot when I was there.
   It was a fairly routine day at work, most notable was lunchtime of course with the errand running I did. I got another box of Girl Scout cookies, so now there's two boxes not yet opened. Also went over to the Macy's one last time for their liquidation sale and got a greeting card for fifty cents. There wasn't much left, and they are closing Saturday for good. Even the pillow shams, at 80 percent off, were more than what I wanted to pay.
   The Redbox I went to is inside a McDonald's, so I decided to get a shamrock shake while I was there. I had to pause and listen to the song playing before leaving, it was 'Mandolin Rain' by Bruce Hornsby and The Range. I read a paper from January, still behind on this. There was news about Supervalu, the grocery chain, selling off some stores. Also liked reading the funny columnist speak about a 'New York Mills think-off' where compromising is one principle he will not compromise on. There was also some mention of cutting off part of your leg to make a point. 'Nightline' had some features that interested me, starting with one about binge drinking at Spring Break. Another was laws passed to stop hidden cameras at farms. It included a clip of Iowa's governor, Terry Branstad, speaking about it.

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