Monday, March 4, 2013

Hawaiian Punch Fruit Juicy Red

    I had a late lunch at work and went to get a sandwich and drink from a convenience store. I got egg salad, and Hawaiian Punch fruit juicy red in the can. I dropped the can right before putting it on the counter to pay for the order, and was asked multiple times if I wanted  a replacement for the dented can. I said it was me who did it, and I'm fine with the dented can. Since it wasn't soda pop there was no concern of 'contents under pressure'. As expected, the can opened without any fireworks, no fizz. 
   Riding the bus home tonight there was a man that had a hard time finding a valid method of payment for the fare, the machine said his transfer had already expired. He wore a hoodie and a camouflage coat. I could understand what he was saying fairly well, though it was a grating voice and he was loud and didn't shut up. One man didn't like seeing him with a liquor bottle and some Tropicana juice, so when he got off the bus he called the bus company. The driver took the call right away and said the man 'wasn't bothering anyone aside from being loud'.
   I went to the comedy club tonight, and when the show was over I noticed it had snowed quite a bit. It was slow going getting home, but I found a way. Enjoyed hearing 'Island in the Sun' by Weezer on my car radio during this drive. I was more focused than tense, as I've done it before. I still liked basking in the 'I made it' feeling. Show closer was somebody I had worked with in the diner skits. He does the one about a nephew saying his fat belly wasn't a baby, but treats.  

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