Friday, May 10, 2013

A Haunted House Movie

     In the evening I rented the movie 'A Haunted House' from Redbox. Thankful I had a discount for the first day, just enter the code when renting. It wasn't that great of a movie. I know this as my litmus test is how long before I check my watch while watching it, and it wasn't long. It was too silly to me. When I think of a haunted house or ghost movie I guess I don't think of it being a comedy at all. It was nice to see Cedric the Entertainer in it, but he had a small role in it. Many of the jokes were about other ghost movies or scary movies. I watched it as it was one of the movies being promoted at the comedy club, earlier this year. I got a poster from it. So now this leaves two others to see that were promoted there.
   Before renting the movie I went to Taco Bell and had the 'Loco Taco Box', I like ordering this and have done so ever since there was a free Doritos loco taco due to a stolen base in the World Series. After the movie I did more research on World's Fair souvenirs. As expected, there were plenty of postcards available. But I'm still wanting to be picky before ordering more. Many of those found were from three fairs: Chicago 1933, and New York in 1939 and 1964. This was due to some corporations having their own buildings- usually industrial companies. It was a reminder of the History Channel series 'The men who built America' being accurate about the robber barons that still dominate the American economy in some form or another. Besides General Electric, there was the Big Three auto makers and Firestone tires. Also found some railroads, Westinghouse Electric, Travelers Insurance, Havoline Oil, and U.S. Steel. Even found the German Black Forest from the 1933 Chicago fair.
   At this point it's hard to say what to order next. Besides postcards, there are stamps and coins, and guidebooks. I may want to get a guidebook first as this may give me a better idea as to what to search for. When researching the Fort Dearborn replica from the Chicago fair I did find a photo about another souvenir besides the postcards I've already seen. It was a Lincoln log set! There was one available on E-bay, but it was over two hundred dollars so I'm not interested. The American fairs mean the most to me, and after this Montreal as I have been to that city. I haven't been to a World's Fair- just county and state fairs- so studying the history will have to do.
   Canada has had just two fairs, the other was Vancouver in 1986. Haven't been to this city yet. There usually are remnants of these fairs long after they are over. I did see La Ronde in my Montreal visit in 2002, an amusement park. I was more familiar with what was left after the 1976 Olympic Games than 'Expo 67'. I knew their baseball team was named after the Expo. Foreign language, and foreign country, may be why I knew less about Montreal's fair/expo legacy.  

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