Monday, May 13, 2013

Reparking The Car

   At the comedy club tonight I wanted to find a free parking spot. So I got out of a pay-lot and after driving around a little while I ended up re-parking the car in the lot I was originally in. But I had to try. There is some construction in the area and the Twins are home tonight, so this explains the limited parking spaces. A fellow comic returned to the club tonight, we were pleased to see each other. He was wearing a White Sox hat. Just before the show began he said he quit his job, as his soul was dying due to it. I know his job kept him busy for a while, explaining his being absent for a while. A few comics did try gay marriage jokes as the Minnesota legislature just passed the law, and the governor said he would sign it.
   I am still doing research on World's Fair postcards, tonight it was Chicago. I will admit how it can be tedious. When using Chicago as the key word I got 971 listings under 'Buy it now' and under $10. Using 1933, it is 692, and using 1934, it is 122. Of course this doesn't add up. Hard to say if it's worth it to see what the remaining ones are, 157 to be exact. I gleaned plenty of ideas from the ones I have already seen. This included seeing some of CBS Radio broadcasting from the fair. It has been helpful to see the aerial views as it gives me a good perspective of where it was held, on the lakefront in what is now known as the 'Museum Campus' close to Soldier Field.    

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