Sunday, May 5, 2013

Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen

   I was reading the paper earlier today and the Minneapolis paper had an article about upcoming summer movies. One of these was 'Great Gatsby', starring Leonardo Dicaprio and directed by Baz Luhrmann. I recognized this name as Luhrmann also had a song in 1999. I had to look up what the title was as I hadn't heard it in a while. It was called 'Everybody's free to wear sunscreen'. It was a song I discussed with a military recruit when I was taking the Amtrak train between Chicago and St. Louis that year. I said the best advice I could give was two things: do the simple things well, and be a doormat to no one. The recruit said it made him think of this song. I knew it wasn't the typical song as it was performed more like spoken word, meant as advice to those who were graduating.
   It's hard to say how many of the movies mentioned are ones I will go see, but 'Gatsby' is one on my list as I liked reading about the music in it which includes Jay-Z. I also liked reading about the Superman movie, 'Man of Steel', due out in June. I found out that Hans Zimmer is doing the music for it. He also did the music for one of my favorites, 'Rain Man'.
    I didn't do much with my date today, who was ill. We did watch the Wild's playoff game against the Chicago Blackhawks. The Wild won 3-2 in overtime. This hockey game was on NBC. We also went out to Godfather's Pizza in the evening, and with this purchase I have enough points for a free large pizza. We did watch 'The Simpsons' after we got back, which was delayed after a stock car race. They brought back the 'Bleeding Gums' Murphy character, a jazz musician Lisa liked, as a hologram.

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