Saturday, May 4, 2013

Festival of Nations

  I attended the Festival of Nations at the St. Paul River Centre this afternoon and evening with my date. It was my first time at this event. There was plenty of food and drink as expected, along with music. I got a free program near the front gate and on the cover it says 'Think global, discover local'. There was cultural exhibits as well as a section for folk art demonstrations and an international bazaar. We went to see the dancers, found out this was inside Wilkins Auditorium. We did see the Hawaiian dancers, shortly after we arrived. In the bazaar section I did get two postcards. One was a generic postcard of the festival itself, and the other was of the lesser- known Custer. Not George, the general, but his brother Thomas, a captain. It said he fell at Little Bighorn along with his brother. It made me think about how being famous is sometimes a family affair. I got a passport and got plenty of stamps in it, and some of these were nations I had never heard of. Some were signed instead of stamped as we were told how some of the stampers were stolen.
   We did have food there, near the end of our time at the event. I liked having a cheese sampler from the Swiss cafe. I had Pancit from the Filipino cafe, which is sauteed noodles with chicken and vegetables. We picked up a cream puff from the Dutch cafe on the way out so we could eat it later at home. We had to wait for the bus for a little while outside, saw some limousines pull up as there was a high school prom happening nearby. I spoke with one of the employees while in the eating section as he liked seeing my St. Louis Blues hockey sweater as it reminded him of living there. I said I've had it for a while as it's a durable piece of clothing.
  I did more digging into boxes and bags I hadn't looked at for a while, before I went anywhere this morning. I found a few more postcards to get into the photo album. One was from a comedy club advertising a contest, and two were from the Lady Gaga concert I attended in 2010. It's nice to keep discovering, or in this case re-discovering. I decided to use all of the copy paper boxes from the office to make things look less overwhelming. So now a larger box is gone, sent to the recycle bin. In its place is six smaller boxes.

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