Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Oversized Check

   The finals of the comedy contest was tonight. The winner was presented an oversized check. It was the Yemen native that won. I knew two of the top three fairly well. The third place contestant got a bottle of wine. The second place contestant got a golf package, including a putter. I said to the wine winner that I hope they like wine more than I do. I spoke of how I got some wine when I was in Sonoma, California on a vacation and didn't drink it until about 7 years later.
   I am seeing messages about the election for delegates for the writer convention but nothing official yet. Little or no acknowledgement was made when I said I would like to be a delegate again. It appears there may be bigger problems with the chapter than this particular issue, as there has been little activity since the last convention. Hopefully I will still hear something soon. I had the understanding it would be by the end of the month, which is fast approaching.
   Work was what one could expect for the day after the holiday, as there was plenty of it. I was unable to print some of the contracts needed for the payoff report. I had a colleague try it but to no avail. So I am not sure how it ended up. I know I can't do much about I.T. issues.

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