Friday, May 24, 2013

Crisis In Office Before Holiday

    I should have predicted it, how there would be a manufactured 'Crisis before the holiday' in the office. I said to my work spouse how it is the proverbial Cinderella story, 'What, are we going to turn into a pumpkin if we don't get it done before the end of the day?' I spent more time on a residual issue (that I call a 'weed' as it came back from the previous day) than I should have in the morning. Then I decided I needed to get to new business- and my normal duties. One has to draw the line somewhere.
   I did get some of the E-bay orders today, it was the only items in today's postal mail. Most of the stamps are here now, except one coming from Great Britain, a first day cover. It was odd to see some of them spelling two player names wrong on the stamps from Somaliland: Mantle was 'Mackey' and Yaz was spelled with a 'w' and not an 'm'. It might be why they are in demand. I liked getting a Dizzy Dean card in with one of the stamp orders, but I need more time to go through all of my cards. I have three more binders available. I am hopeful it is enough to get all of them properly displayed and preserved. But of course it means finding more sheets first. didn't have the time tonight to do so, but I am thinking sometime this weekend I will.   

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