Thursday, May 16, 2013

Miller Beer Bottlecap

    After watching 'Big Bang Theory' tonight I switched over to NBC for the final episode of 'The Office'. I had mostly watched it as syndicated reruns. 'Theory' appeared to be a season finale as Leonard was off to the North Sea, much like the previous season when Howard went into space. Raj had another date with Lucy, but she later broke up with him via text message, saying she wasn't attending the going-away party for Leonard. The syndicated rerun for 'Theory' tonight was one where Sheldon was told to learn how to drive so others wouldn't need to give him rides. The episode ended with Sheldon living at the office.
   I decided that I wanted to get my home even more back to normal, which meant moving things out of the middle of the rooms and into the corners and walls again. When I was doing this with the couch, tipping it onto one side, I heard some things fall out. But it wasn't money. It was a Miller beer bottle cap! Not sure how it got there, unless it was from when my dad visited as he likes this kind of beer. It's bent, almost curved together now, and says 'Miller High Life' on it. This did prompt me to call my dad, and try to figure out when I am traveling to Des Moines this summer for an Iowa Cub baseball game. I was fairly well satisfied with what I had accomplished tonight before calling. A few more things are left to be done but it's more livable now, as I can find things more easily. I did realize how it was easier to move the big bookcase (I have 3) if I emptied it of all of the books first. Well now I have the table set- literally- for making the list of the books I own (much like I did for the music and movies) and hopefully move out the ones that no longer appeal to me.   

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