Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Quarter Candy Vending Machine

   I had lunch with a colleague at a deli on the lower level of our building. It was the first time we had lunched since she had returned to the office recently as an underwriter. I spoke about various subjects including my family and my car. It was nice to get caught up on things. I spoke with a senior leader just before then and said who I was having lunch with, then she passed by and he said 'speaking of the devil'. I hadn't been to this deli much before as it's easier to go into the skyway, more options available as there is a decent-sized food court. But I know well enough to be accommodating, and I am open to new experiences as it helps me grow.
At the comedy club tonight I saw a quarter candy vending machine. I do see these from time to time, at various establishments like the grocery store i go to. They can have candy in them, but at times they have toys or stickers instead. It had Hot Tamales and Reese's Pieces, I opted for the latter. I said to the bartender how I noticed they've been pulled from the Mall of America, unsure why. I would expect these to be profitable in most places as they're fairly low maintenance.
   A friend did do some new jokes, one was about his brother's new sunglasses and another was about his family calling while he's with his lady friend. There was something about the gestures she made while he was on the phone if I'm not mistaken. I spoke with the show closer before the show and she said she was moving from Nashville to Chicago and will be featuring at this same club this week. I liked her joke about those who are pushy about their religious beliefs. She doesn't like these kinds of people and neither do I. Write what you know is what I said, something I had been told before. It's a good idea to do relatable jokes of course.  

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