Sunday, May 22, 2011

Snoopy Statues

I had another date today, and I knew she liked finding Snoopy statues in St. Paul so I helped her find 12. Five were at Lafayette Park, one from each year. Two more were at St. Paul College, others were found on the way to finding one as I recalled one being in the same general area. I call them 'Snoopy' although they can be other characters, as 3 of the 5 years was Charlie, Linus, and Lucy.
    I was a little moody with her and hated being this way, but event cancellations due to weather were tought to handle, 3 in one weekend. After we found the statues we drove over to another part of the metro in hopes of attending a baseball movie, when we got to right before where it is there was a police car blocking our way. Found out there was a tornado that had knocked out power, once we decided to walk closer we weren't allowed anywhere close to it. Hopefully there will be a makeup date, since I had already ordered tickets for the movie. Once we got back to her place we went out to walk her dog and the rains rolled in, we got soaked. Plans were to go get ice cream at Dairy Queen afterwards, but since my shoes were soaked and we were unable to dry them out like the jeans it meant not going.
   I felt a little better once I got a new rabies vaccine tag on the dog collar, though when I was holding down the dog to get worm medicine in him he just refused to open his mouth and take it and I didn't want to be bitten. We also did choes and errand running together, I helped with some cleaning and later fell asleep then we went out while I needed to grocery shop. We did hear tornado sirens while on the way to the grocery store.

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