Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rounding Up Envelopes

    Near the end of my workday they started rounding up envelopes, due to a name change. I informed them how I still had some letters to complete so I was allowed to keep a few to finish my work. After work I checked my phone on the bus and two text messages from a friend were there. I usually check my phone daily, but didn't on Monday so they had been waiting for a little while. This friend told me about having surgery soon, not sure what for. I said I need to know where, and will do my best to visit when I can. I did also send an apology for the delayed response.
   Tonight at the comedy club was the finals of the contest. It was a full house, and this is not really seen much aside from Dominos Pizza night. There was a long line waiting to get in, and I passed them and found out they could get me in but it was harder to find a seat. I knew I was more likely to get in, being a regular. There were six in the finals, some had not been written about yet. The first was the former ad agency employee. I like her joke about the Minneapolis tornado of a few years back. The other would be one who does a joke about the mating call of crows. He also had a good one about people tied to a railroad track. With those I am familiar with, I don't think I heard many new jokes. The other four were the Pizza Philosopher, the Belarus native, Turtle Check, and the International Falls native. The last of these four I think told the most new jokes, like one about coffee table books about toilets of the world. She was the winner, and liked being introduced to her parents after the show. I like hearing the pizza stories from Pizza Philosopher, as I once delivered pizza myself so it is relatable. The Belarus native seemed to have a hard time finding the stage when his name was called, and he was wearing the tiger shirt like last week and it meant some jokes about it. I heard somebody heckle and found out it was one of the judges, who was ripped by another judge, known as Self Checkout. Turtle Check was second, and I like the ones about a swear word and wearing turtleneck sweaters, the origin of 'Turtle check'. The show closer was the Perkins employee, and he had more jokes about working there. It included one about a woman asking if it was Red Lobster.

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