Monday, June 16, 2014

Wearing Purple At Funeral

    Tonight at the comedy club, the school bouncer did a joke about wearing purple at a funeral on request. All he had was a Vikings jersey. I went onstage as well, doing some new jokes about my weekend in St. Louis. There were some no-shows, which is not typical. I liked hearing the 'Extra murder' comic discussing the business of comedy after the show.
   The tortoise and hare comic also did a joke about the gender gap and Gap stores. On the lineup I wrote 'Yay, me!' as I hadn't been on this stage in a while. I was followed by the IED/IUD comic, who also did a joke about a Liam Neeson movie. She also asked what to do with me. When the sub teacher took the stage it was confusing as at first the bus fare comic was announced. He did one about Ron Paul, and witnessing a baseball card sale. The Tetris comic did one about blood plasma. The Maryland native did one about condos, and Sammy Davis Jr. The university accountant did one about Simon and Garfunkel songs. The Louisiana native did one about cooking pizza on a grill. The next comic is one I haven't written about much before, as he now lives in Florida. In my notes I wrote 'Florida Fargo' as he is originally from Fargo. The 'Extra murder' comic brought back this joke and also did ones about moving into a new apartment, as well as one about ghosts. Part of the Wisconsin couple was there, he did a joke about Duluth beer and the Hindenburg. The fever comic did one about suicide deer. A comic I haven't written about much as she has been in California was next. She did one about her cousin's wedding, and how her masturbation caused flooding. She is also from Fargo, but I have to give her another name. She did have a joke I like about being cast for 'West Side Story'. The show closer did ones about makeup, spiders, and religion. He has done a joke about having a name like a founding father, how some in school tried to pick on him because of it.

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