Friday, July 10, 2015

Bedlam Theater, George Play

   This evening I went to Bedlam theater in Lower-town St. Paul sand saw the 'George' play. A friend from the comedy circuit was in it, playing Washington, this would be Whopper. Also in this play was Ukulele, who played John Adams. At first it was in doubt as to if I was getting in, but some of the pre-sales did not show up so I got a seat on a 'Side stage'. Another actor, can't recall who, said he had seen me do stand-up so he wanted me in there. It made me feel like I was living in the 'Budapest hotel' movie where they said 'You're that guy' and it made all the difference. 
    I did make it to the comedy club after seeing this show, and I did get stage time tonight for the first time in a while. I did do the Budapest Hotel bit. Also at the comedy club, Postage Stamp did ones about the million dollar bill, Ben Franklin, Minneapolis a bike friendly city, and a 12-ton taxi. Tortoise did ones about the actor The Rock, Matt McConaughey, Grand Theft Auto, bowl of cereal, truth or dare, Domino's gorilla, and rapper at bus stop. Mr. Pibb did ones about tickets, Laffy Taffy, his dad, Pokémon, open mouth cough, Star Wars droids, and Woody Allen. Ragu did ones about a big dumb brown guy, red shirt at Target, and ask for out of boredom. Woody did ones about an ax shop, band of thieves, process of extinction, shower curtain, limousine, and get up or shut up. School bouncer did ones about Omar from 'The Wire', weapon and bait, Facebook flirt, throwback Thursday, and Terry Cruz. Note Page did ones about Twitter followers, wait at Lund's, cat lady, and cheap sandwich. Perkins did ones about African plains, bought a Craigslist bike, and crowd rap. Fever comic did ones about a stolen pizza, flashlight, waiting in line, weed too legal, cults, and he was Catholic. Stillwater did ones about French toast, breakfast soup, Columbus ships, it's dry heat, chili sauce, Beatles, Stones, Beethoven, and Mozart. Pottery Barn did ones about writing down wedding vows, related to each other, baptism certificate, and ex was a stripper. Ice cream scoop did ones about a 40's basketball player, less barely legal, working in a ice cream shop, no driver license, a list of heroes, social security numbers, and Ray Romano. I told Fantasia about a new comic, 'he lost me with the first one'. Fantasia did ones about girls like jerks, Michael Jordan, I want a desk, Legos, Bat Cave, McDonald's, JFK video, couples role-play, peek at you costume, Spiderman argument, and vocabulary. Duffel Bag did ones about choose body type, fluffy cows, like being reliable, jean shopping, and class reunions.

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