Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baseball Historian

My day started early, as I wanted to do a big cleanup at my home. This means moving things around, or even moving them to a storage locker so I have the space to go through what I have and decide what I want to keep. Amazed at all I have, and as the saying goes you can probably do without it if you haven't used it in a while. I haven't seen the show about hoarders but I know it's not THAT bad. But it's still in need of improvement here. Much of what was found would be called media- books, magazines, newspapers.
   I still got around to other errand running, such as the doing of dishes, recycle, and trash. It was necessary as it wasn't done last weekend since I was out of town, only the trash was done. But most of what is in the sink was recycle- cans and bottles.
   I enjoyed the event I went to tonight, it was a talk given by a baseball historian about the ballparks in the Twin Cities. It was in Minneapolis at the Hennepin Stages, I recognized it as where I saw 'Don't Hug Me Christmas Carol' on New Year's Day. I said they were playing my song, as I like both baseball and history, and both were available to me tonight.
   One thing I like about the cleanup was clearing the table where I eat and write. Earlier, I had wires going across my lap and it was too confining. Not so now! They are on my left as I can type more straight on with a clear table. Another benefit is how it's easier to vacuum the carpet when there are fewer items on the carpet. I expect to do more of the same on Sunday, as I like what I've already done and it motivates me when I see what is possible.

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