Sunday, July 11, 2010


I still hate how too much of my weekends are still about errand running, but what can you do? I got the things done that need to be done, like dishes, trash, recycle, laundry, and groceries. The day started with falling asleep and then waking up around 7 a.m., with the TV on to an infomercial about hair care with Melissa Gilbert. A little unnerving. Same is true with a dream I had, which I am calling the 'bus ride from hell'. I need to find a way to get it into my comedy routine. I've done some analysis of my dreams before, unsure what I will come up with on this one.
   I did do some more fun things, like picking up 2 CDs and a Star Wars- E1 postcard at a music shop. I finally got some Lady Gaga music, one with multiple versions of "Just Dance". Still looking for the radio version I've heard where it includes an interlude about 'ask your baby father'. I'm sure anyone who reads this blog will find it hard to believe that it's more than just a Lady Gaga fan page. It varies as to what subjects I write about. Though there were two other notable things that need mention- how I made a comment on her Youtube video of a Led Zeppelin cover how I don't see her as a sellout. I once thought I would hear this from friends when I went off the college, an opportunity not all of them had. The other is how I got around to sending a letter to Rolling Stone magazine in response to the interview with her, saying I was looking forward to her concert in August.
    It was nice as usual to go to a comedy show tonight and see people I know, as well as see some funny Facebook postings. I have to work one into my act- how a fellow comic asked if I was stalking his apartment since we both were thinking of the same movie. I said it was pure coincidence, and great minds think alike.

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