Monday, August 23, 2010

Doing Chores

I went to the comedy club tonight after work but didn't stay long, there was a showcase instead of an open-mic night. So after a few minutes and exchanging greetings with some of my comic friends I went home. I was tired and was behind on chores like dishes and recycling. Got it done along with taking out the trash, and watched 'Big Bang Theory'. This was the toughest thing about deciding to be a regular at the comedy club- giving up watching this show. But sometimes one must make decisions like these, and I told myself there might be Mondays when I still could watch like if it was closed. An annoying colleague once compared me to Sheldon, the neurotic picky-picky one. Then again, it's not the only time somebody has tried to make an unflattering comparison between me and some pop-culture figure. I've learned to laugh it off, and of course being at the comedy club is therapeutic. Of course this show is moving to Thursdays in the fall, so I may be able to see it again regularly.
   Sometimes I don't check my cellphone often, as few people call me. I checked it tonight and found out my dad called me Sunday evening. I left a message and went about more record-keeping, on eating that is. I am still trying to track what I eat and the pedometer reading, although it's not a daily thing like before. In my case it means writing down the food wrappers before sending them to the trash. I've got a good thing going about the weight loss, learned plenty, so my concerns about relapsing are minimal. Again, we must make choices in life, and I've made better choices about eating in the past year.
   Another notable thing was noticing what I had for pocket change, I like to do that before putting it in my change bank. Since one of the pennies was from 1930 I decided to wait on doing this routine. As a history major I like studying the Great Depression. Knowing this coin has had a long journey to reach me can be fun to think about. All of the changes between now and then, and what it bought along the way. Hopefully it brought many people happiness, naturally it went farther during that time.
   Just saw a feature on 'Nightline' about a bullied kid, it was tough to watch since I know what it was like to be bullied. I am hopeful it leads to the proper punishment for the offenders and hopefully a deterrent to those who might otherwise attempt it. I am for justice, not revenge.

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