Friday, August 20, 2010

School Appeal

After doing laundry tonight I saw how my Facebook page said the appeal on the closure of Emerson Hough School has been dismissed. I was first wondering 'where do we go from here?' but also knew that since I no longer live in Newton,Iowa, that whatever happened it wouldn't affect me directly. It is still tough to hear nonetheless. But without it, I wouldn't have been motivated to do a lot of things like start this blog. I will be continuing it as I do like writing regularly on it. It also prompted me to do more research on Hough, the man, and get more of his books as well as items with the school's name on it.
   I did like a new laundromat I found tonight, it had a Coca-Cola sign out front though there was no attendant on duty, and no vending machine selling Coke. It had some dated art on the wall, profiling some entertainers from July 1989. It was Roseanne Barr and Brett Butler (not the baseball player). There were plenty of marriage jokes on it. Before I went to do laundry I did eat and tried to listen to my new Lady Gaga CD, but fell asleep. When I woke up it wasn't done yet, but I was to the last song which spoke of wanting her man to show some teeth. It did make me grin. You go, Mother Monster!
   I already have Friday off from work, as I had planned on going to the hearing in Des Moines. But if it is not being held now I am sure I can still find things to do that day. I've wanted to see the Field of Dreams, since it is for sale and I haven't seen it in a while. That is one possible, along with seeing a football game in Iowa. I saw one of the Aplington-Parkersburg games last year, at Nashua-Plainfield. Saw the Little Brown Church before it. The A-P team is home to start the season, so that is the likely football game to attend. It would mean seeing the 'Sacred Acre' made famous by their former coach, the late Ed Thomas. I contributed to the coach's memorial fund last year as news of the tragedy reminded me of what my coach taught me about football and life. As an Iowan and as a member of my school's football team it meant plenty to me.

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