Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baseball Bat on Bus

When I was leaving work today I get on the bus as usual. This time I saw somebody board with a baseball bat in their hand, and yes it raised some eyebrows. It was a George Brett signature model, and he ended up sitting next to me. It was an older man, balding, plenty of whiskers. He had a hat on, saying 'on the 8th day God created fishing'. When leaving the bus I noticed it was an adjustable hat, and the 'flaps' in the back weren't connected. I am a baseball fan, but I think I would have noticed anyway since I see it more as a weapon in this situation. It left some questions unanswered like what he was doing with it, some questions are better left unasked.
   It has been raining off and on tonight, almost got soaked when I went to a nearby store to get a candy bar and it wasn't that far away. The umbrella I had didn't seem to cover me well enough while walking. I do my best to take care of myself when this happens, meaning the pants come off once I get home as it's no fun to wear wet clothes.
   I decided I had enough time tonight to write my review for Ticketmaster of attending the play 'Wicked', and found a way to mention Emerson Hough in it. He was a colleague of 'Wizard of Oz' author L. Frank Baum and 'Wicked' was inspired by 'Oz'. There was a line about 'heart's desire' in it, the name of a Hough novel. I like doing those reviews, and get them done more quickly than before. The first one, 'Phantom of the Opera', was done last year, more than a month after seeing it. Now I try to do them the next day, or within the week. It didn't take much to become a top 1000 contributor, as I have done just 6 before the one for 'Wicked'. It was one of many things I decided to get caught up on tonight, one of them being record-keeping. This is something I should do more often, as some receipts entered were from over a week ago. Good or bad, another one of those things was also sleep, as did fall asleep while watching 'The Office' on syndicated reruns and woke up within the hour.
   We did a game as part of the department's meeting today, 'Cranium'. It had been awhile since I had played a game like this, most comparable being 'Pictionary'. It meant things like humming a few songs and have my teammate guess them, along with me crawling on all fours for ten steps while balancing dice on my head. Some things were more fun than others, drawing something and trying to have somebody guess it is hard for me to do.

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