Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Shoes

Today I did get something new- shoes. I went to a JC Penney just minutes before close to get them. I needed some office-appropriate shoes to replace the ones I had, they had some cracks in the soles. With this recent rain it left my socks wet, not much fun at all. I had some gift cards that were given to me by family for my birthday and holidays, so it cost me nothing. Still have a few left. Also went to a Target to get a pedometer, mine was cheap plastic and not registering well. There's another company-sponsored health program going, and want an accurate reading of how much I've been walking.
   Also watched 'Big Bang Theory' for the first time in a while, on its new night. It is still a well-written show, very clever. It still has some surprises in it, nothing wrong with that. Like Howard, the pervert, who was using a robot arm for massaging, then for pervert purposes. I like Sheldon, the picky-picky one. Great contrast with Penny, the pretty neighbor, nothing like the science nerds. Contrast is what makes a good sitcom.
   I ended up thinking about an older sitcom tonight, "Mr. Belvedere", I think because I heard Bob Uecker on the radio announcing a baseball game. He was on that show. It is part of my memories of where I was when it was announced the space shuttle exploded, as I was talking about it in school when a teacher came in to announce it.
   When I think of this entry's title it even makes me think of a music act, called Nu Shooz, who had a popular song called 'I Can't Wait' from the 1980s. I'm sure I can find it on Youtube, just about anything is there. I found a video with clips from people saying 'dude' from the movie 'Big Lebowski'. A coworker likes quoting the movie, especially 'El Duderino'. So it inspired me to find it. I had seen the movie, only once before and it has been a while. I recall how bowling was one thing they did in it and John Goodman from "Roseanne" is in it. The premise was a case of mistaken identity, two people with the same name, one is rich and the other isn't.

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