Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All-star Game

Watched some of the All-star Game, but since I was doing plenty of errand running I wasn't paying attention to it much. I know the NL won 5-1, and Prince Fielder hit a home run in it. I saw him at an Arizona Fall League game back in 2005. It was at a spring training stadium in west-metro Phoenix, in Peoria, the Padres and Mariners facility. It was what prompted me to get to spring training the following March, in Florida. It was a full weekend, also made it to 2 football games at the college stadium in Tempe. I figured I might have seen a future star there, as the major league teams send their top minor leaguers and rookies there once the major league season is over.
   I didn't go to the comedy club tonight as I was way behind on errand running, made the most of the time so I am caught up now. It also included going to find a denim jacket, on my second try tonight I found one! It was at a Goodwill, also found a few books there that I liked, 2 were about writing. I had found some denim jackets before, but tend to be a little picky and wanted to get one I really liked and would last. So it meant not getting one that was a little ratty, or khaki since I like blue, or too expensive either. The first place I went to tonight, a Turnstyle, had a Gucci, but it was nearly $100 even after markdown. Didn't even know they made them. This one is a Gap, much like the previous one. I think I've also had a Levi's before. One time at a festival, Lumberjack Days in Stillwater, I once heard a comment about it. How 'the 80's called, they want their jacket back.' I felt like responding by saying '1991 called, they want their joke back.' But they weren't worth it. We all know how some things go in and out of fashion, and back into fashion again. I do what's right for me, not what's popular or fashionable.

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