Thursday, July 28, 2011

Saloon Surprise Party

Had hoped to attend a writer event at a bar, actually called a saloon. But I showed up and it was packed, walked through more than once and couldn't find who I was looking for. I did see 2 things, the upper level was rented for a surprise birthday party, the guest of honor was turning 41. Odd to have it for that age, figured it would be more likely for 40. They were just getting started on setting it up. The other was a room reserved for 3M, made me think of my ex who worked for that company. Didn't like how it was hard to find parking there, on the street, parked about 2 blocks away. There was an auto body shop adjacent, with a parking lot, but I didn't want to park there, didn't want to get towed.
   Since I didn't stay for long I was able to get home in time to see 'Big Bang Theory', an episode I hadn't seen yet. After that I went to the Dairy Queen and had a Blizzard, then went through some recent mail and organized it better. Bills were put in the sorter, junk got shredded. It's no big deal not going through it for a few days, since very little is important anyway. Though I used to do this more often, harder to find the time than it was.

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