Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Chilling Like A Villain

     I liked finding a store near the comedy club that had some Charlie Brown and Snoopy items on display. I had meant to go in there before, but usually just saw it after the show and it was already closed for the night. so it was helpful that I showed up earlier so I had the time to look around before heading to the show. Two of those were little buttons. One of them has Woodstock in sunglasses and a beach chair, saying 'Chilling like a villain'. Another has Snoopy with a mask and cape on, saying 'S is for superhero'. The third item is Snoopy holding a heart shaped valentine, it is a package of tissue. Finally there is message in a box, 40 cards spread over 8 designs. These cards are about the size of a baseball card. Five are Snoopy and Woodstock enjoying ice cream or donuts. I like the tin these cards
came in, as well.
    At the comedy club the school bouncer was MC. He did the put a ring on it joke. The big dog was near the end. He did one about spanking a kid changing the brain. Others were about Christian Mingle ads, seeing a dead body, and taking things for granted. Grizzly Adams was show closer. He did one about walking cats. Others were about drunk me becoming real me, a hair drug from India,  thrown away popcorn, and the ultra-sound clinic. Bus fare did one about 'poop in bar'. Others were about a state fair horse show, and being from an orphanage. The fancy comic did one about baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie. his version of WTF is 'wow that's fancy'. He also said he is a Michelle Obama look-alike. Self checkout did one about his mustache. Locks of Love did one about a self-driving car. She grows her hair for self-esteem. The former restaurant host did one about Comcast customer service, and being called 'Ragu' in school. Another was about a leaf blower.

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