Friday, July 4, 2014

Stars And Stripes Forever

    I accepted a Facebook event invite from a comedian friend, as Grizzly Adams said he would be at a 4th of July parade. I tried to make it in time for the parade, but I didn't. One thing that factored into it was waking up later this morning than expected. Another was not knowing this particular St. Paul neighborhood well. I did like making it to the park where the festivities were held after the parade had finished. I liked hearing a band playing 'Stars and stripes forever' by John Philip Sousa. My dad liked to say 'For-never' since he is eccentric. When the band had finished I decided to sit in one of the seats they had left behind, as they were in folding chairs near the stage. I had a crunch ice cream bar on a stick there, as some ice cream trucks were near the park. When I was leaving I said 'What is this?' and noticed it was a Charlie Brown statue next to a school. I hadn't found one of those in more than six months. I got two photos of it, front and back, as well as one of the school welcome sign. When I got gas at a Super-America after this event, I liked hearing 'These are days' by 10,000 Maniacs there. It was partially interrupted by a commercial announcement, but I heard most of it and stayed so I could hear all of this good song. Then I went home and watched Jeopardy and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
     There was no comedy show tonight as the club was closed for the holiday. I watched some 'Monk' reruns in the evening and then ventured out again to see fireworks in Roseville. I knew there would be some at the Capitol in St. Paul, but not sure when. The paper had the one in Roseville listed, but not the one at the Capitol. It was helpful to go there, as I became familiar with Central Park, where the fireworks were held. It is on a different street, Lexington, than the library, which is on Hamline. I also saw the town hall and fire station. I got one photo there, it was of a park sign with the fireworks in the background as they had just begun. I brought a blanket to sit on but I wasn't comfortable since I was sitting uphill. Some other fireworks were seen off in the distance, but often blocked by trees. I heard some music in the background, from an ice cream truck across the road. It was odd to hear the truck playing Christmas music this time of year. The driver license station was also in this area, but I hadn't been there in a while. The show lasted 20 minutes, and there were delays getting home due to construction and a traffic jam after the fireworks show at the Capitol ended.

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