Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Yesterday, The Beatles

     At the comedy club tonight I spoke with the university accountant before the show. Much of it was about music, and eventually the question was what happens to be the most covered song. After the show I looked it up online and said it was 'Yesterday' by The Beatles. It has been covered more than 3,000 times. My favorite song of theirs, 'Eleanor Rigby', has been covered a lot as well, 131 times. I had to listen to 'Eleanor Rigby' on Youtube since I was thinking of it. The version I chose was an  animated one.
     Plenty of comics I recognized on the lineup. Pizza philosopher was MC. He did one about microwaving not recommended, and a variation on swear words. Ding dong ditch did ones about a cheese-ball tub, and underwear in the dryer. Self checkout did one about is mustache, and Freddie Mercury. Others were about watered-down tattoos, motorcycles, and metaphor of marriage. Bus fare
did one about being uncomfortable with his hands. Others were about a state fair horse show, being from an orphanage, and 'be proud, not a walk of shame'. The university accountant did one about high-5's. Others were about a pedal pub, and fitting a and in a Pringles can. The godmother did one about coffee stunting growth. Others were about BBQ tongs for reaching, a silent retreat at a church, her husband the cop arresting at a salon, and a 'for sale by owner' house. The Kentucky native did one about being on a diet, and losing 30 pounds. He spoke about eating Taco Bell at the doctor's office, having a law degree, and advancement at McDonald's. The bartender did one about living in North Minneapolis and rural Wisconsin. Others were about a coupon book and 'taco-cat'. The show closer I had seen many times before, he does the one about a guy who looks like a Pez dispenser after a botched suicide attempt.
   It is official, I have ordered a 4-show pass for the Fringe Festival which starts soon. A festival button was also ordered. Now it means going to an art gallery near the Lagoon theater to pick up the pass. I can do this before the first show I plan on attending, on Saturday afternoon.
   The treat cart made its rounds in the afternoon at work, before this the political science guy joked about how they should give us cyanide to put us out of our misery.  

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