Friday, July 11, 2014

Clapping And Playing Kazoo

     At the comedy club tonight, one comic started with clapping and playing kazoo, to the tune of what is known as the 'Hey Song' or 'Rock and Roll Part 2'. Found out he is from New York and in town for the All Star Game, a cameraman. Another visitor was from the Raleigh, North Carolina area.
    The Tetris comic did ones about Wisconsin gas station shirts, and how he should sell his own shirts. Also, there was one about being threatened. Postage stamp did ones about his new pants, the pay gap, a homeowners ad, a gay NFL player, and toy trains. Pottery barn did one about being engaged, like being in battle. A cat was adopted, it was puking. He is addicted to TV and takes pot for it. The 'Extra murder' comic did one about Wisconsin being a giant AA meeting. Another was about bar names and strip club names, Dr. Jekyll for one and bean snapper for the other. Others were about huffing exhaust fumes at a food truck fair, a donut burger, a water shortage documentary, and a North Dakota tourism ad. IED/IUD did one about a weird dad, and a Liam Neeson movie. 'Champ' is what she is called. Fantasia did ones about 'Gotta talk to them', and how he sneezed blood. The restaurant host said he no longer has the job. He was called Ragu in school. He did a joke about a missing kid photo, and a leaf blower blaring. The Mason City native did one about 'the city is run by pigs'. Others were about living through the dot-com thing, kicked in the head by a crow, and the death of Whitney Houston. Just hit play, was his advice to her fans. The red-faced comic played guitar, and sang about a DUI. The big dog did one about getting married, didn't want her to leave. Others were about vows, 'Honor', voice impressions for 'Charade', internet dating ads, and those who have their dads working for them. Grizzly Adams did ones about throwing away popcorn, and a hair drug from India. Mr. Pibb did ones about the 55 year old friend, and no bakery walls. The Belarus native did a callback to the guitar bit, his tiger shirt, and the red-faced comic returned to the stage. The poster artist did one about the song 'Monster Mash'. The International Falls native did one about it being a 3-pill night. Others were about dream catchers, and bathrooms of the world. The Maryland native did ones about hockey, Urkel, it's all broke, and having a marketing degree. Happy meal was show closer, and did one about uncrossing arms. Others were about short bald and fat, and needing pain killers due to a tooth problem.
    Earlier in the evening I went to the Ramsey County Fair in Maplewood. I got a tea sample, and liked seeing the art in the 4-H building as well as the main exhibit building. The latter had one of an Aerosmith shirt.

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