Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lewis Black, ACLU Ambassador

     Earlier today I read 'Stand', the magazine published by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In the back I saw an article written by Lewis Black, the comedian. I have seen him perform before. The article is called 'Our democratic recess' and he talks voting rights. They're the foundation of our freedom, so let's use them, not suppress them. He states that less than 60 percent voted in the 2012 election, calling it 'Pathetic'. I agree. The quick bio at the end describes Lewis Black as a Grammy award-winning comedian, actor and author. In 2013 he partnered with the ACLU in the fight for voting rights.
     Tonight at the comedy club, I said the MC looked familiar, it was the one from the contest. He talks about being from Denver, 80's music, is high energy and tonight one bit was about dog food. When the big dog showed up I asked if he was on tonight and he said it was up to the Mason City native. I said 'Find a way to make it happen if you can'. The big dog did perform, and may have even if there wasn't an early no-show. He spoke of physical judgment and called himself a 'Handsome bastard'. Another was about Christian mingle ads. Many jokes were about getting married recently. He didn't want her to leave, spoke of the vows, and something about Pam Anderson and Baywatch.
The Texas native and barber did ones about oxymorons, grilling, Michele Bachmann, and Candy Crush. Fantasia did ones about role playing, standing ovations, and masturbating bus guy. Bus fare did ones about being from an orphanage, a town meeting, I'm no ghost, State Fair horse show, and 2 for Robocop. The Maryland native spoke of dating as a non-profit, hockey, Urkel, his condo, everything is broke, and having a marketing degree. Mr. Pibb did ones about a 55-year-old friend and fidgeting. The former restaurant host did one about Comcast customer service. The show closer was the Yemen native. 'Which car is yours?' was an early bit in his set. Others were about learning English, teaching Arabic, 'Good Will Hunting' in an acting class, and working at a gas station.

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