Monday, July 7, 2014

Wet Microphone And Dragons

    At the comedy club tonight, the Tetris comic did a joke about how dragons know what they did, and about a wet microphone. There was also two Wisconsin stories, one about a gas station with all Southern accents and the other about being threatened. He followed a comic I hadn't seen before, who did jokes about an MBA, being from Vietnam, and advice from strangers. I liked asking the Vietnam native about her story after the show. I found out she started doing comedy while in New York City, after taking a class about it. Since she was given 5 minutes, I figured she had been doing comedy for a while, was told 2 years. And the stage presence, looking comfortable and being funny, told me this as well. As the saying goes, 'In words and in deeds'. Regarding her native country, she spoke of Hanoi. She is visiting the Twin Cities and is hopeful to make a return visit sometime. The advice I gave is comparable to what I give to others: do comedy because you enjoy it, and keep doing comedy if it makes you happy. I know this is why I continue with it. It is not too often that I am impressed with a comic the first time I see them perform, but it helps that I was given a fresh perspective of course.
   There were plenty of good comics tonight. An employee of another club, probably have written about before, did one about weird books as well as being broke and doesn't eat much. The Belarus native did one about his tiger shirt and feeding a chicken to the Rolling Stones. A comic I will call 'Samurai Sword' did this joke, which is also known as 'If you ask most people', along with one about a crow. The crow joke is a good one as he sells it well. The next comic spoke of living in Hong Kong for a while, and about different kinds of cereal. The 'Extra murder' comic did one that continued a Wisconsin joke that the Tetris comic started. Others were about a strip club name and about a water shortage. A comic I will call 'Postage stamp', though he did not do the joke tonight, did ones about a homeowners commercial, the pay gap, and toy trains. The fever comic did ones about fireworks, airport sandwiches, and suicide deer. The Worthington native did ones about witnessing a 'Tough dad' speech, being a cyber bully to his dad, and Jimmy Buffett parties. The Maryland native did ones about hockey, Urkel, and 'Femi-ninjas'. The Oklahoma native did one about a haircut, balding and this is why we wears a hat, and comparisons to his dad. The Perkins employee did one about having an Amelia Earhart haircut. Others were about serving to the homeless in Eureka, CA, attending a park wedding in South Dakota, and heckling construction workers. The last comic, who has done a joke about his name in reference to a founding father, did one about having a gig in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

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