Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fancy, Iggy Azalea

    Tonight after the comedy show I drove home and heard two Iggy Azalea songs. First was Fancy, the second was Black Widow Baby. The former was her breakthrough hit, and I had to say it was catchy. It has the hook where she is saying 'Who Dat', and then spells out Iggy. I still like the word-smithing that rappers do. And it helps this song starts out with 'First things first', a saying I have used before. The swagger that rappers have also helps in my book. The latter song was on another radio station. I think I have written about it before, since I like hearing 'Right' in the song. I understand there is no real middle ground with Iggy- one either really likes her or really hates her. I try to separate the art from the artist. It is still helpful to listen to 'I don't care' music (rap, punk, heavy metal) as it is a  healthy outlet.
   First day back at work after the day off to go to the Capitol. As expected, nobody did letters when I was out. And I did the payoff report by myself as my colleague was ill. I still did plenty of letters but we aren't caught up just yet. In the afternoon we did Wii dancing. The event coordinator was stuck at another meeting at first, but took over upon arrival. Somebody from training turned it all on, and I decided to play two rounds of 'Bar basketball' while I was waiting. We danced to 'Venus' by Bananarama, 'Everybody dance now' by C and C Music Factory, 'Party rock anthem', and 'Go my way' by Lenny Kravitz.
   It went well getting stage time at the comedy venue, though the stage was missing tonight. And the microphone was weird, I left it in the stand and had to do my set without holding it. Fish noodle did ones about born in wrong decade, test tube baby, EDM, and woman running in heels. The brothers were there. First one did ones about baby pictures, new lady and wishing well, kid and monsters, Mariachi band, and shaved while cutting myself. The second did ones about already look homeless, studio apartment, it's your bathtub, and bike on train. A newer comic did ones about water in apartment being clouded. An MC I don't know well did one about a small cheese pizza. Nebraska did ones about rock climbing, sky diving, dic-pics, amateur porn, job hunt on Craigslist, first threesome, and ghost or Cyclops. Apron did ones about a recent birthday, drives a mini-van, time travel, and a kitty litter commercial. Magic man did ones about annual Target visit, no piñata for mom, synergy energy, and HR at Minnesota Daily. No-mic did ones about make love to what we despise, it's called marriage, it will become Darth Vader, and park upside down on freeway. Long straw did ones about take a break from porn, cultivate a foot fetish, Blockbuster Video manager, and Skinny Cow ice cream.   

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