Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Screeching Weasel

    Tonight I saw a Facebook posting from Mason City where he had plenty of books answering FAQs about popular music acts like Elvis Presley and the Beatles. I asked where Led Zeppelin was, he said he wasn't a fan and then shared a link to a song called 'I hate Led Zeppelin' by Screeching Weasel. It is a quick song, just over a minute, but I did grin a little after listening to it. Hard to say what genre,
probably heavy metal or punk. I caught mention of them being greedy, and something about drugs as well, and band members Robert Plant and Jimmy Page are mentioned. So I was thankful again for the music education.
   Tonight at the comedy club I mostly did new jokes aside from my 'Yo Adrian' joke. I thought of one of them just a little earlier, after seeing mention of a quiz on Facebook from a classmate. It asked me 10 questions, based on this it says I will get married twice. Currently I have never been married. So I had to laugh for a while about it.
   At work I was shown how to do letters from the Sears portfolio in the afternoon. It does remind me of my family going there to shop for school clothes annually, especially at Merle Hay Mall in Des Moines, Iowa. I recalled how dad would say 'Sears!' and then say one can get seared there.   
   At the comedy club tonight, International Falls did ones about a Valentines Day surprise, eulogies for exes, exes have kids, Mom wants grandkids/IUD, and bathrooms of the world. Long straw did ones about Star Trek, and Revenge of the Nerds. A newer comic did ones about gambling, and a Mountain Dew bottle. Brew did ones about joining YWCA, yoga class, a cheap pun, and quacks at duck blind. Apron did ones about a treadmill, Chipotle, lost parking spots, and landlord like Dennis Rodman. Bathtub did ones about world's strongest man, new job ripping paper, model T's all the same, cheap movie theater and bathrooms, criminals tried up by superheroes, Playboy Mansion on American Secrets, an Harper Lee sequel. The next comic did ones about Dr. Doom needs help, a Zumba, and regular and diet Dr. Pepper. A comic who moved here recently did ones about the river-walk in San Antonio, meat is just too good, a dream about BBQ chicken, and fake bacon. Bronze did ones about Super bowl commercials, and Rick-rolled. A comic who had lived in Arizona did one about a long-term relationship, due to signing the lease.

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