Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1-Day Workweek

This was my one and only day at work this week, as I am out of the office for the rest of the week. Did laundry after work, then went to the Borders liquidation sale in Woodbury. Found a Clarence Darrow book there. Had hoped they would have a Simpsons episode guide but those were already sold out apparently. Since it covers 20 years, those were expensive, original price was $150. I was so busy with laundry that I decided not to get to the comedy club tonight, which was no big deal to me. I wanted it this way, leaving no dirty clothes behind while out of town. But it did mean some things weren't entirely dry, like towels. So I found a place to hang them up and dry more thoroughly around the home.
   I held myself to what I had said before about wanting to leave little or no food behind as well. It meant my refrigerator had a bottle of beer, a bottle of wine, a ketchup bottle, and a TV dinner. I was picked up so I could leave behind my car in my neighborhood and see that I would be up in time for the flight in the morning. I packed in a rush as usual, there probably will be something I would need and didn't pack. So it means asking how important it is and if one can live without it for the time I am away.

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