Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back From Florida

Arrived back from Florida this afternoon, got unpacked eventually but wanted to go get ice cream at McDonald's. In the evening I watched 'The Simpsons', after trying unsuccessfully to get my laptop running again. The phone company said it would be Wednesday at the earliest, which is annoying having to find an alternate place to check email for that long. Redeemed some more points, or dollars, for airline miles. Now there is less than a dollar in the account, but it's the way I wanted it as I wanted to get them dumped before they expire. It doesn't take long to accumulate from answering online surveys. Unsure when I would be eligible for a free trip or half price ticket, but I have dumped 4,500 miles into the account since May, which is more than I get from flying on most flights. This is due to getting the 'house minimum' when doing short flights in the Midwest, which is 500 miles per flight. I even had to remind myself how I would get more food and snacks on the flight as it was a longer one than I'm used to. I got a good look at the smaller terminal at MSP when I got back, besides the Snoopy statue there is a children's playground that listed the military terms for each letter of the alphabet. I knew some but not many. It is what led to me being a little late at baggage claim, my bag was waiting at the airline office since I took a while exploring, maybe 30 minutes. But I also knew I couldn't return once leaving, so I knew I needed to make the most of it. This included getting a sandwich as it was past lunchtime. The suitcase was practically full as I was willing to help get some photo albums back home, 6 in all. Unsure if my date is able to get the other 4 back.

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