Sunday, September 18, 2011

Playing Outburst

Played the Outburst trivia game today, don't think I had played it before. Also made it to the Cap's Grill in Minneapolis for lunchtime and got another statue picture there, this one was 'Chef Charlie'. There were plans to take my date's dog to the dog park, but the weather prevented us from doing so, plenty of rain. I ended up calling 2 of my college roommates in the evening as I needed to hear from both about my upcoming plans. With one I plan on seeing them soon when in town for a football game. With the other I found out he is staying in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving, so he is not coming back to the Midwest to see friends and family. I had hoped to get all 3 of them called but 2 is pretty good. My date left to see the Emmy Awards with a friend, so there was plenty of time to get caught up on errand running in the evening.

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