Friday, September 30, 2011

2 Leaves in the Hand

A little girl had leaves on the bus today. She had 2 of them in her hand. One of them was dropped, and the mom said it was going to stay on the floor. Then there was yelling at the end of the day. Quite a contrast. The clash was hard to follow, at least the origin was. It was an older woman apparently having an opinion about what a younger woman was doing with her child in a stroller, just a year old. The younger woman didn't like being told what to do, and swore some about it. I've seen clashes like this before, in the end neither one is in the right if nobody wants to drop the matter entirely. Some of the younger woman's friends were obviously needling the older woman, saying things like 'cause that's what one-year-olds do'. The older woman got off the bus first.
   In the evening I had dinner at an East Indian restaurant with my date and her friend from college. The friend was driving a Mercedes Benz station wagon, didn't know they made wagons. It was a 'thank you' for helping out, as she will be filling in for the regular 'dog sitter' this weekend when the two of us go out of town. We talked for a little while before going to the restaurant, so we didn't get around all that early for dinner.

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