Friday, September 2, 2011

Names of Love

Went to see the French movie 'Names of Love' at the Edina theater tonight. I understood about half of the French, after studying that language in high school, good but not fluent. Plenty of good observations, social commentary that is, in the movie. Funny, then serious, at the right times. Relevant to American audiences, since many of the social issues are the same as in France. Odd how somebody after the movie claimed they didn't know what 'gens' meant in French. I reminded them how not everything is literally translated, it means 'people' not 'names'. Called my college roommate after the movie, hadn't heard from him in a while. After 20 minutes I heard his wife in the background and said it may be time for me to go. He was busting my chops at times but i didn't seem to mind.
    I really like driving in my car, thought about it after the movie, must be thinking of a poster I once saw. 'In solitude man lives in all ages'. And I like listening to my car radio, like when 'Alive' by Pearl Jam was played. I liked singing right along with it. 'Oh I, uhh uhh I'm still alive, hey I, oh I'm still alive, yeahh yeahh.' Sometimes it's best to remember what it was like before being transformed, remember the pain and then the relief, the pleasure, of getting rid of it. And yes, college in Iowa City did transform me, I felt more free there than where I had been. In some respects, it was appropriate to call my college roommate tonight as it helped on reaching this epiphany. He even said 'dude, you changed' in reference to how I didn't go see the Emerson Hough papers at the U. of Iowa when I had the chance as a student. But now I am making plans to see them when I go there soon.
   Found out the St. Paul Saints won in extra innings tonight, so the playoff series is tied, 1-1. So game 4 on sunday is on, the one I have tickets for, against Winnipeg.

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