Sunday, September 25, 2011

Corn Maze

I had a date at a corn maze earlier today, in Shakopee. Hadn't done that before to the best of my knowledge. It was a space shuttle theme, since the space program is retiring the shuttles after 30 years. I liked seeing the themes from previous years, dating back to 1997. Emerson Hough would have liked seeing the one about the Wild West. I liked seeing the other things there, like a band playing a tuba and banjo, 'Blue Ox Jazz Band'. There were plenty of tractors, and petting zoo animals. My date liked seeing the pig, calling out 'piggy piggy', saw it waking up after the flies were being a pest. There was even a cannon for shooting pumpkins.
   We watched much of the Bears-Packers football game after we got back, the Bears lost 27-17. We were tired and fell asleep on the couch in the middle of it. In the evening we watched 'The Simpsons' season premiere, which was funny as usual. I went home and got my errand running done, the grocery shopping, and dishes. Also needed to put away my laundry, it was still in the basket after being at the laundromat on Saturday. It meant ripping up one dress shirt that I wear to the office, as it was ripped by the dryer apparently but it was getting old anyway. A gift card I ordered recently, through a reward program at work, can replace it.

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