Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stories From The Bus

It can be fun to hear stories from the bus, today it was some high school girls talking about things that sounded trivial. Like falling asleep and forgetting about arguments with their boyfriend. Wrote some of it down and will need to look at it again, in my backpack. Except I can't find it now, but as I recall some of it included what their pets did to wake them up. They seemed to be unaware that I was writing anything down, and hopefully I can find it again.
   I was onstage again tonight, but at a different club. I was fairly early life last night, and it was nice how the MC was a friend, the magician. He did get confused who was up next, but I made it my first joke. I like getting a few extra minutes of stagetime at this club. And it was fun to hear a friend make comments about each of the comics before him. I braced myself when he got to me, but smiled when he said it was an inside joke about me having a date. Naturally I got the joke, since I had done jokes about online dating not going well for a long time. Since my date was with me I didn't stay long after the show, and it was easier to talk once I took her home as it's quality time when walking the dog and we can't talk at the club.

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