Thursday, September 22, 2011

Holiday Road

I put in my DVD of 'National Lampoon's Vacation' and noticed how the opening montage of postcards includes one from Detroit Lakes, Minn., where one of my comedian friends is from. I put in the movie as I was expecting to find something else. But it looks like the tourist trap we saw from the road in Florida likely wasn't it. It looked similar, and was called 'Gatorland', in Kissimmee. We were in another town as I recall, but the alligator mouth as the entrance was familiar. This is still a favorite movie of mine. I like the song in it, 'Holiday Road', and I like vacations. More recently I had seen how there was a sequel to 'Christmas Vacation', but it appears just Randy Quaid is in it and not Chevy Chase. Still unsure if I want to see that one.
    After watching 2 episodes of 'Big Bang Theory' I went out to a nearby store and got some delicious peanut nutter crackers. It was a funny story to tell as the 2 clerks were talking in another aisle, and oblivious to what I was doing. They likely wouldn't have noticed if I had walked out without paying, and I tried waving my arms to get their attention, to no avail. But it did end up on the cameras, I could see that much. So I went over to them and said I was ready to check out. Also called a college roommate, to tell him about the recent visit to Florida. Still trying to figure out scheduling for another dinner, a double date with his family.

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