Friday, September 23, 2011

Football and Roses

I got my date some roses at lunchtime, a Rotary fundraiser. There was 2, hopefully these will last longer than some others I've given. It reminded me of attending a Guns-n-Roses concert in college, how roses were sold there. I said 'well they can't sell guns but they can sell roses'. Though the title also makes me think of a somewhat funny commercial when I was a kid, about bathroom sprays. How the kid said 'now it smells like fish and roses', meaning it didn't cover up the smell well enough.
    We went to the North St. Paul football game against Simley, big crowd as it was homecoming. So that made it easier to decide to sit on the visitors side, where there still was seats available. It was early in the first quarter when we arrived, and it was tied 7-7 at halftime. Simley did well with running the ball, North St. Paul with passing. I didn't like seeing so many mistakes, like how the North Polars picked up 2 fumbles and an interception in the 3rd quarter but no points, it stayed tied 7-7 at the end of the 3rd. But they finally broke through in the 4th, as a long pass play helped set up a touchdown that put North ahead 15-7. I understood the strategy about going for 2 that late in the game, as it forced the opponent to do the same to stay in the game. A long run got Simley back in the game, but the 2-point play failed and they were left trailing 15-13. North got it back at the 2 with just over a minute left, a Simley fan said the sportsmanlike thing to do was to have the 'kneeldowns', but North had other ideas. North got a quick touchdown to put them ahead 22-13. Again, the strategy made sense, as tacking on more points definitely sealed the win. And who wouldn't go for a TD that close to the endzone in a close game?  A few penalties were notable, both against Simley. One was an unsportsmanlike conduct call, fighting after a player lost his helmet. The other was when a kick return for a TD was called back, an illegal block probably. But the same player had another long scamper that counted, the one that narrowed it to 15-13.  

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