Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Someone Like You

'Someone Like You', the song by Adele, was playing on my car radio on the way to the comedy club tonight, and again while driving away from it. I liked hearing the song, especially the line about 'regrets and mistakes, they're memories made'. Good video on Youtube, like how Adele said it was in direct contrast to 'Rolling In The Deep', saying she 'was on her knees' in 'Someone'.
    The contest was nice as it was the first semifinal round, and it meant there wasn't any no-shows. Still vote for 3, the top 4 out of 12 advance. Iiked the closing comic, I had seen him at the club on Tuesday as well. He was from out of town, Florida, but does shows here every so often. At work, the gift cards arrived that I had ordered through the company rewards program. A colleague came to my desk to say the envelope had already been opened, I said there should be 2. Ihen a few minutes later I was informed how the other one was found, not opened yet. Usually they are unmolested, and put in my department's 'in bin' without any fanfare. Unsure why there were problems this time.
    I went to an informational meeting at Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis earlier today, before my workday began. It is about an advisory board for the students. I said I was fine with once a month, as most were. Looks like they also want me to be there next Wednesday. This means notifying my boss about it, and adding it to the calendar.

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