Thursday, September 1, 2011

Comedy in Costume

I got some stagetime tonight at a comedy club, Corner Bar in Minneapolis. It was suggested that I do something different from what I've already done so I did- going up in costume. Liked doing something in a different character for once. It was like having an 'alter ego' I have sometimes joked about. I had a costume from the 'Scream' movies so I put it on, including the mask. Made it harder to see, which is sometimes why I don't have the mask but figured it was best with full costume here. At first I sat on the stage, but was told by the technician to get on the stage so I did stand. No big deal, didn't have to walk around much. I did a few jokes about being a 'victim' of the Grim Reaper during Red Ribbon Week in high school, how they wanted to shut me up then. Also a few jokes about the 'Scream' movies, like how they killed Fonzie. There was even one about my ex, who said the costume was 'so 90's', which doesn't explain why they did another sequel. At some point I want to see myself on video, it sounds like we had a small crowd watching online even though the in-person crowd wasn't big by any means.

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